Spinning disc valve PR TIME VALVE

The spinning disc valve mod. PR TIME VALVE has to be used for muddy fluids where standard globe valves, gate valves, butterfly valves and ball valves fails the closing due to the solid depots behind the seats. This valve, during the closing phase, scratches all the seats depots, cleaning the surfaces till the complete closure.

Using service:

Mud valve

Sludge valve

Valve for bitumen

Sewage valve

Valve for heavy liquids

Valve for crude oil

Self-cleaning valve



cell. 3381253559

tel. 0331577300

------ Patent and Mark pending ------

PR RAIMONDI VALVES s.r.l. - 20027 RESCALDINA (MI) - ITALY - Via Gerenzano, 22/24   Tel +39 0331-577300 / 576037   Mobile +39 338-1253559   info@raimondivalves.it
C.F./P.IVA 09030130968   Capitale Sociale € 10.000 i.v.   REA: MI-2064776